
I’m writing. I just hopped onto the WordPress site for the first time in a long time. I kind of don’t recognize the person who wrote all the articles here. I have taken a long break from my blog and writing. I don’t even know if I will publish this quite honestly. What I do know is that I must write and create because it is killing me inside, quietly and softly- not to.

Last December, I attended a conference at the Japanese American National Museum for a local organization here in town that focuses on art policy throughout the state of California. I sat in the large audience of people and then we were assigned break-out groups that we would share the morning with. My break-out group consisted of about 20 women ages 45+. I did not know a single soul there- all of them strangers. We were asked to introduce ourselves- you know the drill- tell me your name and a little bit about yourself and why you are here. For some odd reason, I felt compelled to be completely honest with this group of strangers. I think it’s because I didn’t know anyone personally and didn’t care if they judged me or thought me absolutely insane. But I was shocked by the words that came out of my mouth and I instantly regretted saying them the minute they came out but then what followed was a surprise. What I said was the following:

My name is Elizabeth and I have no idea really what I am doing here. I am a mother of three, husband to one, juggling my three children’s lives, active community volunteer, struggling professionally around ideas of identity and how to move forward and I love to write and tell stories but for some insane reason, I have not written one word in almost a year and I know that what is holding me back is FEAR. I am so afraid of moving forward into whatever lies ahead of me. Fear is holding me back from living my life.

When I uttered that word- Fear- there was a large collective GASP from every woman in the room. It was quite unbelievable. I had just tapped into what we were all feeling – despite touting backgrounds and experience and validation as to why we were there in that room. I was as shocked as everyone else was in that room by my words. Until that moment- when I announced that to the group- I had finally released what I had been feeling for quite some time but had not verbalized out loud to myself or others. But apparently I am not the only one carrying around this fear. From there, we engaged in an open dialogue as to what fear does to us and how it holds us back from living the best lives we can. I am grateful that my open honesty was met with sincere openness. Given another room full of different people- it could have turned out another way.

And so I will write. I will live some days in the shadow of my fear. Other days, I will step out of it. But I’m gonna write- yes I am. I will tell my stories again. I can’t guarantee that I will publish all of them- in fact- I know many of them I will not. I need to write and create- of that I am certain. How I will share my stories with the world remains to be seen. It will be a journey and process of that I am sure.

What are you afraid of? How is it holding you back from living your life?



Happy Monday! Last week I was nominated by Teressina at Dream Bigger and Sherri- Mystical Writer for the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you Teressina and Sherri for this nomination! I met both of these ladies and their blogs through the Blogging University course we all took back in January. Take a moment to check out their blogs and read through their lovely posts.

The guidelines for accepting this nomination are:

  1. Show the award on my blog- doing this now
  2. Thank the person/people who nominated me- doing this now
  3. Share 7 things about myself (Oh boy!)
  4. Nominate 10 blogs (do I know of 10? I will try)

7 Things about Me:

  1. My favorite color is turquoise.
  2. I love to read- sometimes 2-4 books at the same time. I also am one of those readers who sometimes reads the end of the book when I am about 75 pages in or so and then goes back to the beginning so I can read it with the end in mind. Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with me?
  3. I have an unhealthy obsession with zombie apocalypses and the end of the world. Walking Dead, Fear of the Walking Dead, the original walker movie – Night of the Living Dead and all the ones after that, Z Nation, the list goes on and on. Sometimes if I find myself alone in a bathroom or in an office building I think “wait- am I in a zombie apocalypse?”
  4. I love to travel and go on high-risk adventures. I’ve backpacked through South East Asia, Japan, Europe, Mexico, Central America and Latin America. I have gone hang- gliding, cave spelunking, jungle trekking, parasailing, cliff-jumping, snorkeling, ocean swimming and exploring.
  5. Currently a HOT YOGA junkie- a 90 minute yoga class in a 90 plus degree room. I love how buckets of sweat just drip off in puddles around me and how strong my muscles feel after class. Yummy.
  6. Vintage, vintage, vintage. I treasure all things old. People, books, photos, clothes, architecture, food, antiques and collectibles.
  7. I absolutely love food. All kinds of food. I love thinking about food. I love cooking food and eating food. As a child, I used to thumb through cookbooks and look at food pictures just for fun. I still do.

5 Blogs I Nominate for the Versatile Blogger Award…

  1. Just Blue Dutch
  2. History Fashion Traveler
  3. The Front Door Project
  4. Suvarna Ventures
  5. Words Are All I Have

I have really enjoyed getting to know you bloggers in this blogosphere world! Your posts encourage, inspire and help me see things sometimes in a different light. I look forward to continuing to reading about the amazing journeys you are all on.

The nominees are not obligated to accept this award but if they do, they will need to follow the steps above.

Thank you again to Teressina and Sherri!

Love and blessings,




Happy New Year! I will not mince words here- I am terrified of writing this post.

Back in December when I was feeling all kick-ass and all, I signed up for Blogging 101 University through WordPress.

Here I am and my first assignment is to introduce my blog to the world and a fellow community of bloggers through this post. That means that people might actually read this. I’ve been writing and flying on the down-low- not really promoting the blog, not worried about what others might think- but now I am terrified.

Well I put myself in this so might as well move on with it. I have been writing this blog as a way to cope with the fact that I have moved halfway across the country from every family and friend I love. From Los Angeles, California to St. Louis, Missouri. Now I am five months into that journey. Much has happened.

I have learned that I love writing. I love the journey I am on and I feel like there is something bigger happening here. I want my blog to be about creating community for people who are on all types of journeys. They could be physical but also emotional journeys. Life- shit happens and we are all on journeys- divorce, death, job loss, sickness just to name a few. I want my blog to inspire people along their journeys and I want to learn from other people’s journeys. I want to continue to tell stories- my own as well as others. I would like to grow my blog to build a community of people who can inspire and support and learn from one other as we move along our life journeys.

What journey are you on?