
Happy New Year! I will not mince words here- I am terrified of writing this post.

Back in December when I was feeling all kick-ass and all, I signed up for Blogging 101 University through WordPress.

Here I am and my first assignment is to introduce my blog to the world and a fellow community of bloggers through this post. That means that people might actually read this. I’ve been writing and flying on the down-low- not really promoting the blog, not worried about what others might think- but now I am terrified.

Well I put myself in this so might as well move on with it. I have been writing this blog as a way to cope with the fact that I have moved halfway across the country from every family and friend I love. From Los Angeles, California to St. Louis, Missouri. Now I am five months into that journey. Much has happened.

I have learned that I love writing. I love the journey I am on and I feel like there is something bigger happening here. I want my blog to be about creating community for people who are on all types of journeys. They could be physical but also emotional journeys. Life- shit happens and we are all on journeys- divorce, death, job loss, sickness just to name a few. I want my blog to inspire people along their journeys and I want to learn from other people’s journeys. I want to continue to tell stories- my own as well as others. I would like to grow my blog to build a community of people who can inspire and support and learn from one other as we move along our life journeys.

What journey are you on?

11 thoughts on “Journeys

  1. How hard it must have been to move to a place that seems like it would be much different! Kind of like if I moved from Connecticut to Cali! Blogging is a great way to get your thoughts out there and find a community to share with. My personal journey is a career transition. I am currently out of work but have a number of interviews lined up and I am contemplating doing something totally different (for much less $!) Yikes! But for some reason I couldn’t be more excited about it!

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    1. It was hard to leave – I think if I had moved from the West Coast to the East Coast, it may have been a tad bit easier. For some reason, it was meant to be for me to move to the Mid-West!

      Career transitions are scary and at the same time exciting times. It sounds like you are on the right road. I too transitioned from a corporate advertising executive to working for peanuts in the non-profit industry. Never have regretted it though. Congrats and good luck!

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    1. I really enjoyed The Front Door Project. What a creative and absolutely original idea. I too walk around town all the time and yet I never bother to look at the front doors of all these beautiful homes around me. You’ve given me a new perspective. I look forward to reading more of your writing!

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  2. Hi there! Thank you for following my “Chateau des Reves” I’m really busy right now but will come back to read your blog later tonight, we are in a very similar place, very excited to get to know you better!
    Estoy fascinada de haber encontrado alguien con quien hablar en Espanol ! My keyboard is in English so I can’t do much about orthography in Spanish or French… very ignorant of how to switch languages on and off in wordpress! In my phone is easy, here, no clue! xx

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  3. Enjoyed this post. Journeys are sometimes seen as something to fear. Or if you say to someone I am on a journey, you can almost see the cringe of simpathy on the person’s face. But journeys aren’t always bad. They mean movement. For me I hope to move from a person who just tolerates life to a person who thrives, rediscovers passion and is overflowing with joy.

    It’s possible. I bought a lottery ticket from the billion dollar pot not because I thought I would certainly win, but it was possible. The possibility. That is what I think my journey is about. And yes, these days most days suck and the crap seems to outweigh the good, but every new day the possibility that THIS can be THE day that my journey takes an upturn. That to me is where I focus. Not on the endpoint or the destination but on the possibility and hope of a new beginning. ❤️

    So blessed to have met you guys on New Years’ Day.


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  4. I feel very fortunate as well to have met you on New Year’s Day. It’s amazing how we were able to connect- at the soul level in such a short time period. Everything that you said resonated with me at such a deep level. It was powerful.

    I like how you say you want to move from a place where you tolerate life to a place where you are thriving and overflowing with joy. That is where I am at as well. Finding the beauty in the day to day of life. The common day that just because it is ordinary- that makes it extraordinary.

    There is so much beauty around us- it depends on how we choose to look at each circumstance, person, place, object.

    Sending you many blessings.


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