Bugs and a Birthday

It’s been about 72 hours since we arrived in St. Louis. My legs itch like crazy- I’ve literally got dozens of huge mosquito bites. It’s so unbearable and I have got to put on bug spray – it’s just that I don’t want the chemicals on my skin. Argh. The mosquitos seem to like C’s and my skin the best.

We are strangers in a foreign land. Or so it seems. It is hot and muggy and there are bugs everywhere. Before, when people would tell me well it’s going to be hot and muggy, I would think well how bad can it be? I don’t think you quite understand until you are living it. You go outside for minutes and there is literally sweat pouring down your face, the side of your cheeks and down your back. This evening, we attended a kindergarten play date at the elementary school playground and I was talking to people- watching the sweat drip down the side of their faces and I’m thinking oh my god- I just want to go home so I can stick my head in the freezer for some relief. Then I looked down at their legs and counted the number of bug bites. They swear to me that it’s a particularly bad summer for mosquitos because of the wet spring and that it should only last one more month. Meanwhile, I’m thinking- one month- I’m not going to leave the house for the next month. Jesus, help me.

IMG_0383Today was M’s 13th birthday. So, we celebrated with lunch at a St. Louis institution- a place called Fitz’s. They’re an old time soda shop and on your birthday you get a free root beer float and a root beer bottle IMG_0384that says Happy Birthday on it. It came highly recommended by one of T’s work colleagues and she was also going today to celebrate her daughter’s 18th birthday. She was very sweet and printed out the menu for us beforehand so we could take a look at it. So- funny story. We were there, everyone got their food and root beers which were delicious. M received his free root beer float. At the IMG_0389end of the meal, T asked about the Happy Birthday root beer bottle. Our IMG_0394waiter told us that unfortunately- they were all out of them. Too bad. Here’s the funny part. When T returned to work- he asked his colleague- wasn’t it a bummer that they were out of the Happy Birthday root beer bottles? To which she exclaimed- no- my daughter got hers! What? This poor lady nearly went through the roof. She called Fitz’s right up and asked to speak to the manager and demanded to know why they told us they were out of the Happy Birthday root beers? She told them they better have one waiting at the counter for her to pick up in 15 minutes. And she went right over and picked it up. So, in the end M got his Fitz’s Happy Birthday root beer bottle. Cute- huh?

IMG_0393We went home. We had our birthday traditions to keep to. IMG_0392As always and for the past 8 years, I’ve baked the Magnolia birthday cake recipe for all birthdays. I had a new kitchen to contend with- a very small one with no counter space nor island. (tear) I was dying and texted T halfway through that we must buy a kitchen island immediately! I know- middle-class problems. IMG_0391But still, it is hard going from what I had before. (another tear) In the end, the cupcakes were IMG_0395delicious. They always are.

Welcome to St. Louis. Happy 13th Birthday little man.


13 thoughts on “Bugs and a Birthday

  1. Omg Liz! The heat + humidity + bugs! That is crazy! Is there a daily downpour, too? I guess you’ll know you’ve acclimated when standing outside with rivers of sweat rolling down your face is no big deal. I lived in Northern Japan for three years and the weather was so extreme. Summers were the worst. I always looked and felt completely bedraggled. Glad to hear the happy ending to the birthday root beer! Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Glad Miles got his bottle. Happy Birthday!!!! Love reading your stories. The mosquitoes are under attached because you’re too sweet and yummy for them. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hola Liz and Familia! AND of course Happy Birthday to Miley’s =)
    I have to say, I lived in Hawaii for a year and I could never get use to the humidity…yikes!!! Try the bug repellent type bracelet and avoid having to use the spray on your body. I used them while in Manzanillo, Mexico (humidity was INSANE there too) and they worked.

    I stopped by Jameson Brown the other day and came to terms with the fact that I wont see you there anytime soon (tears). Thank you for allowing us to take part in your adventure! Besos…Cati

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  4. I say put the AC on, stay indoors until September and go directly from the garage to the car (never having to go outside) and get back home. Get your kitchen island, don’t apologize for s**t, watch HGTV, have a little glass of wine and emerge when you are damn ready or the mosquitoes retreat! I know, not very social, but baby steps, my friend. I’m glad T’s colleague was outraged. We should all be a little outraged from time to time.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Liz!! Too bad you didn’t take the island with you that we tried so hard to sell;-)
    Went to Eaton Canyon this morning with Jacob and Nala…we missed you!!
    Funny, we’ve been having crazy “monsoon” weather here…very muggy and sweaty too. Maybe its sympathy weather for you guys…
    Happy belated to Miles!!!
    Keep posting your updates, its nice to hear how you are doing:-)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Judy- here’s the sad part- the island is too big for the kitchen. it’s the smallest kitchen in the world. Sad face. I miss Eaton Canyon. There is nothing like that here. and I miss you guys more than you’ll ever know. More sad face.


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